When I first came across this list of safe people foods for dogs, I wasn’t surprised to see some of my pup’s favorites on the left side – and the usual offenders on the right side. But there were a few that caught my eye and prompted an office discussion of who’s dog has eaten what.
Of the Don’ts, the general rule of avoiding sugars and salt applies, as they will harm Fido’s kidneys. The surprise came from the image of the gum – which lead to a story of a friend’s dog being rushed to the ER after rooting around in her purse and eating a pack of sugar-free gum. It turns out that Xylitol, a common sugar replacer, is incredibly toxic to dogs. Even in small amounts, two pieces of gum, the chemical can induce severe hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and cause liver failure. Scary stuff!
My dog is known as a purse-robbing brownie thief but has thankfully never gotten into a pack of gum. Other office dogs will do anything for a lick of peanut butter, eye up a toddlers yogurt and stare longingly at your fish dinner, but have, so far, never been rushed to the ER.
Please share this list and let others know how harmful sugar-free gum can be!
The whole garlic thing has me a bit confused. Some sources say it’s great for flea control. There are minor amounts of onion and garlic in some dog foods. Is it a measurement thing? Too much is not too good?
Hello Holly-
It is really confusing, isn’t it? There seems to be mixed messages throughout the pet community.
From what I have read, it seems like onions are consistently advised against. Perhaps it is the processing that makes them OK to add to food formulas but it still makes me uncomfortable knowing it is in my dog food. I would be vigilant and read the labels if it makes you uncomfortable knowing there could be something harmful in the food you choose.
Garlic, on the other hand, seems to have the vast majority saying NO but there are still some that swear by it for flea control. Perhaps it is more toxic in a raw form?
Either way, these are two foods I will definitely be on the lookout for when I choose dog food and treats. If you have any concerns with your pup, I would ask your vet as he or she will have more insight as to what is – and is not – OK.
Thank you, Lindsey! I’m pretty good at checking Summy’s food, but now I’ll be even more vigilant!
why can’t dogs have grapes?
Hello Misti-
Grapes have been known to cause kidney failure in dogs but the exact toxin causing the failure is still unknown, as is the amount of grapes that will cause harm. For now, it is best to avoid them all together.
Salmon?? I certainly hope its well cooked. Salmonella is a serious issue. We called our vet when poochy got into smoked salmon and he had us force hydrogen peroxide down her to make her throw it up. Is there something new I haven’t heard?
Great question, Linda. Yes, fully cooked salmon is what I would feed my dog. Raw fish can have many unwanted parasites so I would only feed my pup what I would eat myself. The Omega 3s in salmon are wonderful for their coat as well as their immune system and heart function.
Raw salmon is poisonous to dogs. It will give them “salmon poisoning”. Make sure it is well cooked.
You are absolutely correct! I just realized how misleading that image could be as you are the second person to comment. Yes, please please cook salmon that you plan on feeding your pooch.
Do you know how it can effect a dog if they are fed apricots fresh or dried?
Great question, Holly. I did a little digging and ended up writing a new post on more dangerous foods and why (http://www.whenpoochcomestoshove.com/keeping-fido-healthy-dangerous-people-foods-dogs/). I found that it is actually the pits of apricots that are dangerous. The fruit itself is full of vitamins and nutrients that are healthy in moderate doses – just be wary of dried fruits as they have a high sugar content.
How much salt are you suppossed to give your dog or do you avoid all things flavored with salt
Hi Sarah- Common table salt is quite poisonous to dogs and cats. You will want to avoid giving them salty snacks as well as watch out for household items that may be dangerous (ie. rock salt for de-icing pathways, homemade playdough, ocean water and even paint balls!) It is best to rely on snacks and treats made specifically for your pet rather than giving them table scraps that may be harmful in certain amounts.