Featuring only the latest and greatest dog trends, Pretty Fluffy is a fabulous source for pampering your pooch and is one of our absolute favorite sites for all things modern dog. You could imagine how incredibly excited we were to see Thor’s Puppy Shower featured! Click through to see the pawty, but prepare yourself for… Continue reading Look Who's Barking: Pretty Fluffy
Author: Big Dot
Chevron Gender Reveal Party Supplies
Get everyone involved in your celebration with our Chevron Gender Reveal party supplies. Tell your guests to wear pink or blue depending on what they predict the baby to be, them give them a Team BOY or Team GIRL sticker to really show off their choice. Deck out your party space by mixing all blue… Continue reading Chevron Gender Reveal Party Supplies
We Are Celebration! Big Dot’s 15 Year Anniversary
May marked the 15 year anniversary for Big Dot of Happiness and because we are party fanatics, that meant ONE WHOLE MONTH of celebrations! We began with a smashing good time and let you vote on who had the biggest office faux pas. The “winner” was met with a cake in the face. But, because… Continue reading We Are Celebration! Big Dot’s 15 Year Anniversary
Our New Concierge Program – Check it out!
Did you know about our brand new updated Concierge program?? It is awesome!! We have all new colors to choose from and font choices. You can change any of our personalized items colors or fonts. For example we just had a customer call and stated that she was viewing her invitation proof and she was… Continue reading Our New Concierge Program – Check it out!
Throwback Thursday: Big Dot Of Happiness Company Photos #TBT
It sure has been a wild ride with 15 years of celebrations and adventures. Our Throwback Thursday company photos are just a sampling of what goes on inside The Dot. BUT – we wouldn’t be us without you, our Boss. Thank you for helping to make us who we are. Without the inspiration of our… Continue reading Throwback Thursday: Big Dot Of Happiness Company Photos #TBT
Big Dot of Happiness Celebrates 15 Years – Our Favorite Memories
This year marks a huge milestone for Big Dot of Happiness – 15 years of celebrating life’s moments by providing YOU-niqe and original party supplies to Hostess Heroes everywhere. We have gathered our favorite memories to share, a sort of sneak peek into The Dot and how we celebrate. “Hearing the Boss Man play his… Continue reading Big Dot of Happiness Celebrates 15 Years – Our Favorite Memories
Water Safety for Dogs – The Need for Dog Life Vests!
Most of us assume all dogs know how to swim, which is a common misconception. The “doggie paddle” was named that for a reason, right? While some dog breeds love to be in the water, there are some that don’t enjoy being anywhere near the water. For some breeds that have low body fat, like… Continue reading Water Safety for Dogs – The Need for Dog Life Vests!
What I Told my Boss After a Trip to Las Vegas {BlogPaws 2014 Recap}
We all know what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas – BUT when you to go to Las Vegas for a BlogPaws conference, you can’t wait to get home and tell everyone what you saw, who you met and what pet celebs were there. I traveled to BlogPaws 2014 alone, leaving my furbaby at home.… Continue reading What I Told my Boss After a Trip to Las Vegas {BlogPaws 2014 Recap}
CONTEST | Smashing the Cake
Enter for a chance to WIN A $100 BIG DOT GIFT CARD! Submit a photo of your kiddo celebrating their 1st birthday with a face {or fist) full of cake. Second Place wins a $50 Big Dot Gift Card. Third Place wins a $25 Big Dot Gift Card. OFFICIAL RULES 1) Email one photo* to… Continue reading CONTEST | Smashing the Cake
Tips for Dogs and Kids
Most children want a pet. Most of those pets they want are dogs. You’d think they would go together perfect but they don’t always. In order to get a great relationship, it takes time, training, and patience. My oldest daughter is 3 years old and she can sometimes be rough or unaware she might hurt… Continue reading Tips for Dogs and Kids