Why Work at Big Dot of Happiness?

Someone asked me why I work at Big Dot of HappinessWhy Big Dot?!? Hmmm. I could list off practical stuff, I suppose. Tell you we offer phenomenal, fun customer service the likes of which you’ll rarely, if ever, experience elsewhere. (Rest assured that, as a member of the customer service department, I’m not biased at all.) I could point out that we have all original designs created by a team of fun, kooky, creative people. Then there’s the personal pride my colleagues take in working together to turn out a fun, wonderful, remarkable product that’s really more of an exciting experience than only a box of shower stuff you ordered. But, that all feels like I’m patting myself and Big Dot on the back!

I just figured out why. Eureka, indeed! We work at Big Dot of Happiness not so much because of what Big Dot is, but because Big Dot is who we are. We are people-oriented, fun, kooky, creative, fun, team-playing types of fun people who truly do want to help customers throw sensational, fun, meaningful showers. Big Dot calls to quirky, fun people and invites them to embody the Big Dot adventure! Then, inevitably, it comes to pass that to embrace Big Dot is to be embraced by Big Dot. Who can resist that?!? Walking into Big Dot of Happiness each day isn’t really coming to work, it’s more like crossing through a portal into a dimension of freely, joyously exuberant imagination.  Plus it’s a heck of a lot of fun!    

Posted by an Expert Expert