Introducing a New and Minty-Fresh Baby Shower Favor – Personalized Mint Tins!

Personalized Mint Tins Baby Shower FavorsThere are two things a good baby shower party favor should accomplish: it should be a wonderful reminder of a beautiful occasion, and it should be useful to the recipient in the coming days. A cute little personalized knick-knack to set on your shelf is one thing, but a gift of personalized chocolate or lotion or even a manicure set is quite another!

When it comes to functional baby shower favors, Big Dot of Happiness has got you covered in a major way. Big Dot offers scores of favors, most of which can be personalized with the details of your shower, and they’re always adding more new items for you to choose from!

Take, for example, these adorable Mint Tins. These cuties are an all-new Big Dot product, and they are just the perfect favors for your next baby shower. Each sweet little tin is adorned with a sticker label to coordinate with your chosen party theme. And you can personalize the labels with up to two lines of text, making these tins beautiful mementos of your special event.

But that’s only half of their appeal—these favors are functional too! Each little tin arrives at your door nestled inside its own white organza bag, and chock-full of darling heart-shaped mints. Your guests will be able to keep their new minty gifts in their purses or cars, and whenever they reach for a refreshing treat they’ll also be reminded of the wonderful time they had celebrating at your shower!

You really can’t go wrong with these unique favors: they’re beautiful, functional, AND affordable…that’s a win-win-win!

Posted by Shannon, a Dot-arilla Blogger