Am I the only Mom out there that feels like once my daughter hit age seven she needed a separate day planner just to keep track of the birthday invitations she received? Between dance class, the soccer team, neighborhood friends and school classmates, our weekends have become an exercise in how to transport one child… Continue reading Personalized Candy Bar Wrappers – Perfect Party Favor
Category: Videos
Take your ticket, grab a bucket of popcorn, find a perfect seat and get ready to blast off and be amused with some outrageous (and informational) videos from Big Dot of Happiness! Everything from DIY tips to videos conquering your frequently asked questions these videos are sure to be the blockbuster hit of your day. What’s great is that they’re instructive, but in a fun way. Get a glimpse into the culture behind Big Dot all while learning how to make your next party or event absolutely perfect.
The Remarkable Man – Become a Hostess Hero
Enter our damsel in distress… Picture it…a family brunch on a beautiful Sunday in May. Your older sister taps her glass and stands to make an announcement. Gleefully, she informs the entire family that she is expecting her first baby! Cheers abound, hugs start flying and congratulations are handed out by the bouquetful. Outwardly you… Continue reading The Remarkable Man – Become a Hostess Hero
What Fits in a Baby Shower Favor Box?
Even though I have a busy schedule, I love to take time out of a crazy day to celebrate the events happening to the special people in my life. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, job promotion or a just-because occasion, giving a special little treat is a fun and unique way to let someone know… Continue reading What Fits in a Baby Shower Favor Box?