Big Dot of Happiness is energizing employees by entering the 2011-2012 Motivation to Move hosted by the Mayo Clinic Health System – Red Cedar. Each employee received a pedometer and access to the Walker Tracker Web site, as well as inclusion in competitions and challenges.
“Big Dotters work hard and play hard, so a little competition among us is enough to get everyone going. It has been fun to see everyone checking their pedometers and sneaking in a workout just so they can be a few steps ahead of another Big Dotter,” says Scott Yukel, CEO of all Big Dot Shops.
With individual goals of 10,000 total steps per day, those who complete the 8-month challenge will have followed four virtual tours though various locations throughout the world for individual totals of 1.8 million steps.
Employees have taken advantage of the numerous events Motivation to Move offers, including participation in cooking classes and hiking a corn maze, all to help them gain the steps they need to complete the challenges. The wellness program will also ensure each Big Dotter starts off the New Year will a little help in achieving their resolutions.
Read the entire story here.
Posted by Lindsey, a Dot-arilla blogger