Whether your baby shower is featuring a diaper raffle, getting the little one’s library stocked or requesting a special item for Mommy-To-Be, you can easily give your baby shower guests a heads-up with these baby shower invitation wording ideas. Add a fun wording idea to the end of the invitation after all of the party details have been shared and get your guests ready for your themed baby shower!
BigDotofHappiness.com’s Expert Experts have compiled their favorite baby shower poems and other phrases that can be added to the end of an invitation to ask guests to bring books instead of cards, prepare for diaper raffles or other special games, or simply remind them how much their presence at the shower means. After all, Big Dot of Happiness is dedicated to not just providing you with personalized baby shower invitations in unique designs, but invitation wording ideas that will make your party planning experience even easier! Read on to see more of our Expert Experts’ favorite baby shower invitation poems and phrases, then head on over to BigDotofHappiness.com to select your baby shower theme and start planning!
To bring a book instead of a card:
If you plan to bring a card, please take another look;
I would like to learn my ABC’s from your favorite storybook!
Instead of a card for the baby and mother,
Please bring a child’s book with your thoughts in the cover.
As ____’s due date is coming near,
We’re inviting friends and families dear,
To choose a favorite story or fairy tale,
That you would like the baby to hear.
Instead of a card, please let _____ take a look,
at your special choice of a book!
And then to the baby she will read,
With all the love he or she needs!
With a personal touch,
Please choose a book.
And then your name please do put,
It need not cost more than a card,
Just pick a favorite; it shouldn’t be hard!
To bring a diapers for a raffle:
If you bring a pack of diapers to help with the twins,
you’ll be entered into a raffle, which someone always wins!
We will be having a diaper raffle! The prize will be great and it’s lots of fun!
If you’d like to enter, please bring a bag of diapers size newborn or one!
A bag of diapers or wipes for me would really help my parents-to-be.
So please bring a package, any size. Did I mention it could win you a really great prize?
To request a specific gift or other item:
Baby wipes, teething rings, diapers galore,
Onesies, bibs, books, blankets, and more.
If each guest would bring just one of these,
Our new mommy will surely be pleased.
To add a little extra glee,
And help the parents-to-be,
Please bring a little extra from the heart,
An unwrapped pack of diapers to give them a good start!
To request that gifts are not wrapped:
One little request that we hope you would grant,
Whether you’re a friend, mother, or aunt
We can’t wait to see you at the shower!
But please don’t wrap gifts in more than a ribbon or flower.
To end the invitation on a friendly note:
Good times and laughter is what we will share.
_____ will be thrilled to see you there!
Let’s gather ‘round and celebrate,
With good family and friends – it’ll be great!
It’ll be such fun to celebrate,
So please don’t forget this special date!
Good times and food is what we’ll all share.
_____ will be so excited to see you all there!
Click here to read even more unique baby shower invitation wording ideas, then check out Big Dot of Happiness’ Facebook page for inspiring fan photos and other party-planning tips and tricks!
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