5 Quick Tips to Make Your Holiday Photos Magical

Holiday Photo Cards Photography Tips

The photo will make or break your holiday photo card so take a few moments to make sure you are capturing your family in the best way and you will have an amazing holiday greeting to send to all of your loved ones. You don’t have to hire a professional photographer or buy an expensive camera – With a few quick tips, you will be capturing your families special moments for everyone to enjoy.

1. Don’t force the photo – Capture your family as they are, when they are at their most content. For little ones, find a time when they are well rested with a full belly. Let toddlers be toddlers and enjoy their spontaneity. Comb their hair and give them clean clothes but don’t make them do anything they don’t want to. Everyone will have a better experience and you will fondly remember their unique personality for years to come when you photo them as they are.

2. Get close, really close – The photo is about the person, not the scenery. Fill the frame as much as possible with the person or group you are photoing. Interesting backgrounds are all around you when you focus on the face instead of the place. Your backyard, a room with good natural light or your neighborhood park are all good places to capture your families special moments. And while you are getting up close and personal, get down to their level. Shooting all photos from a standing position gives them a “snap shot” feel. Kneeling or trying different angles will make sure to get the perfect image for your holiday photo cards.

3. Use natural light but avoid mid-day sunshine – Bright enough to not use a flash but not so bright to cast harsh shadows, morning and evening are the best time to get the perfect shot. Find a time when everyone is at their best and get outside to capture them in a playful state.

4. Shoot, shoot, shoot – Providing you are using a digital camera, you can shoot as many frames as your memory card can hold. Don’t be selective yet, that will come later when you choose which photos are the best. You will get more candid moments and your subject may even forget you are there, allowing for those special shots that only happen when no one remembers there is a camera around.

5. Bonus tech tip – Most inadequate photos come from cameras not focusing fast enough to get the moment just right. Try keeping the camera to your eye with the shutter button pressed half way. This allows you to see though the lens to know exactly when to shoot. It also allows your camera to continually focus so your subject is always sharp. You will be at the ready and have an amazing shot to send to your entire Christmas list.

With these quick tips, batteries fully charged and empty memory cards, you will have a remarkable holiday photo card. Holiday Photo Cards Photography Tips

Posted by Lindsey, a Dot-arilla blogger